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Our Favourite sustainable hacks


E-Cargo Bike

Our e cargo bike is absolutely brilliant! We can fit two kids [or even 1 adult] with plenty of luggage or shopping. And it makes light work of Sheffield’s hills. It’s fun, quick, convenient and has massively reduced the number of car journeys we need to make as a family. I can’t imagine the nursery run without out it! The kids enjoy it too, not that you can tell from this photo as they’re both knackered after a busy weekend away using the trains. Everyone should own one, they’re so versatile!



Why buy new when there’s so much you can do with old materials. I love getting creative and there’s a real sense of achievement & satisfaction from making something yourself. I got my hands on a load of old fence panels and pallets that were about to go to waste recently. They went in to making these rustic doors for my outbuilding. It’s cost effective and good for the environment, I’d highly recommend it. I’m looking forward to starting on my bin store in the next few weeks.


Air tightness tape

I was recently asked “What could you do to retrofit your home if you only had a budget of £200”. My answer is contained in this set of photos from Lisa at Six Cylinder Limited. Some high quality air-tightness tape at the floor junctions in her flat have produced notable energy and comfort benefits and is a relatively easy, cheap and permanent fix.



My Sustainable hack is walking. Simple but reliable. You can never go wrong with walking. Whenever I go anywhere I always check if I have time to walk. It’s by far my favourite way to travel. You get to see way more of life just happening around you, and it allows me to capture some great photos. As a massive bonus, it’s also completely carbon free.


E-Cargo Bike

A year ago we said goodbye to our very unreliable car and treated ourselves to a Bullitt e-cargo bike. IT’S JUST THE BEST! It has become our day-to-day mode of transport, always filled with plants (once a Christmas tree!), shopping, toys and still leaving enough space for Elio to sit. I can’t imagine our lives without it. #bullittlove


Veg Box

My favourite is my veg box. We avoid all the packaging of buying vegetables in the shops, and everything they do use is compostable or returnable. Plus the food is definitely nicer, and you don’t have to think about what to buy every week! 


re-using plastic packaging

We’re trying to reduce our plastic use as much as possible, but when we can’t avoid buying food that’s wrapped in plastic we’ll try to clean and reuse the wrapping of those odd jobs around the house.